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Thoughtful Thursday Discussion


What is a Thoughtful Question? How do you use them?

In this Your Life Beyond the Military Podcast with Vanessa Donaldson of Reset With Vanessa, we unpack the #1 tool for turning any battle situation into business. A mutually beneficial exchange of ideas, services, or products.

"There are no stupid questions... but there are poorly timed, incorrectly worded, self-serving and destructive questions." Learning to ask thoughtful questions can take a situation from battle to business as soon as it is asked. We'll talk about What to ask, when to ask, and how to ask thoughtful questions. Developing this skill can bring out the best in any team! Military or civilian, nonprofit or for-profit, new formed or experienced teammates can all grow from these questions. 1. What to ask 2. When to ask 3. How to ask It is really easy to overlook and commonly disregarded. But they can be life changing.


About Vanessa: "👋 I'm Victorious Vanessa Donaldson, Founder of Reset with Vanessa 🎖️ Your Life Beyond Military 🚌 Your Nomadic Bestie (Van Life Consulting) 🚀 The Moving Maven (Relocation Specialist) 💡 I guide Military Spouses to create Exit Strategy Plans so they can transition from Battlefield to Blissful Retirement, find their new living purpose, and create their ideal lifestyle in retired years. 🌻 Helping Military Spouses Bloom wherever they are planted 🏆 Military Spouse Group Empowerment & Mentorship Program 💍 USMC Spouse 26 yrs 👩‍👧 Mother of 2 📣 Available for complimentary VA Disability Rating Audits to increase compensation. "



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